How WEFPS has adapted to COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all of us. The normal rhythms of our daily lives have been disrupted. We can’t participate in society in ways we’re all used to: you can’t go to the grocery store without a mask; you can’t go into the library to look for a book; you can’t go to a baseball game; you can’t shake hands in church. At least we can get toilet paper now, right?
This photo of downtown Richmond was taken early in the quarantine at 5 pm on a Friday. There was no traffic on the bridges!
Doctors’ offices certainly aren’t immune to these changes. West End Facial Plastic Surgery remained open during quarantine, but things were a lot different. We weren’t allowed to perform elective procedures, and, let’s face it, some of what we do here is just for fun! However, Dr. Schmidt is also an expert in facial trauma surgery and those essential services were still needed.
Signs at Chippenham Hospital April, 2020
Dr. Schmidt had to cut back his office hours to help care for his four children because of school and daycare closures. We’re still not sure what the Fall is going to look like, but you can be sure that Dr. Schmidt will remain available for all his patients.
In full PPE for a trauma procedure in early April before COVID-19 tests were widely available.
Lita, our master aesthetician, had to suspend all of her services due to the prohibition of elective procedures. While she is now able to offer limited services under Dr. Schmidt’s guidance, it may be quite some time before she is allowed to resume business as normal. If you have questions about which services are available, please contact the office!
COVID-19 has dramatically affected our personal lives and the institutions that make up our society. We can either wait for the disease to go away or we can adapt our institutions to our new normal. We wanted to share with you the ways we have adapted our office to meet the new demands of a COVID society.
- We are all wearing masks when in the office. We have been fortunate to have had access to plenty of protective gear all Spring and Summer, and we will always have it on when you’re in the office. By the nature of our services, you won’t be able to have a mask on all the time, so we will wear one to protect you.
- We have adapted our sanitation protocols to include wiping down all surfaces with disinfectant between patients.
- We have changed our appointment timing to ensure that only one patient is in the office at a time and that there is no need to wait in our waiting area.
- You will be screened with a series of questions about your health and recent contacts. We will also take your temperature on arrival.
- If you need a surgical procedure, you will be tested for COVID-19 at the hospital.
Sooner or later, life will get back to normal (or mostly normal). Until then, we will adapt our routines at WEFPS so that we may continue to provide excellent patient care. While it will look a little different, you can be assured that we’ve taken every step to keep you safe while you’re with us.
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