Reports from the AAFPRS Fall Meeting 2016

Every autumn, the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery has a meeting. It’s a time to reconnect with your colleagues from across the nation (and the world for that matter), consult with vendors, and pick up some new techniques so you are up to date on the latest and greatest ideas in the field. This year, the conference was in Nashville, Tennessee.
The Cumberland River in downtown Nashville
The meeting moves around; in recent years it’s been in Dallas, New Orleans, San Diego, Washington DC, Orlando, and Chicago. My wife wanted me to call this post, “What I did on my Nashville AAFPRS Vacation,” but I was so busy it didn’t really seem like a vacation! Here are some dispatches about what I saw and did.
The day before the meeting starts is a day for official Academy business. This year I became an Academy fellow which means I can be involved in the leadership of the Academy. I spent the day sharing ideas about how to shape the future of the Academy. I worked on committees that influence the internet presence of the Academy, the Academy’s finances, and its relationship with its younger members.
Reconnecting with my medical school classmate and fellow Young Physicians Committee member Dr. Henry Chen.
The next day, the formal meeting started in earnest. I went to a series of talks on rhinoplasty- some of the structural techniques discussed last year are still in vogue. I also learned some newer surgical techniques for improving the appearance of lower eyelids and went to a talk on fillers- not much new there, but I may start using a new technique around the eye.
The AAFPRS meeting was held at Music City Center in downtown Nashville.
Most importantly, I had an opportunity to visit with a number of vendors who provide products and services for facial plastic surgery practices. Among the vendors was RealSelf. If you aren’t familiar, RealSelf is an online forum where patients can learn about procedures and find and rate doctors who provide them. If I have done something for you, please feel free to drop by and leave a rating! It would really help me out!
RealSelf was shooting videos of surgeons talking about their favorite procedures and I got to participate!
Getting ready for my close-up.
Last minute coaching session.
Ad libbing about revision rhinoplasty!
And check out the result!
I had a great time at our annual meeting this year. I reconnected with old friends, took a new leadership role in the Academy, and polished up my skill set to better serve you! Many thanks to my wife for taking care of the Little Schmidts so I could enjoy my “vacation” and thanks to you for reading.
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