Solutions for puffy eyelids
The eyes are one of the first places that people start to complain about looking old. Why is that? The skin and support structures are very thin- in fact, eyelid skin is the thinnest skin of your entire body! So the natural aging process where tissues thin out and bulge show up first in your eyelids. Furthermore, processes that go on in other areas of the face can affect your eyelids- more on this in a second.
If you are bothered about the appearance of your eyelids, we have plenty of solutions. Today’s blog is all about solutions for puffy eyelids!
Solution #1: Get your allergies fixed!
Here’s yours truly from our blog post about peels. Skin looks pretty good, huh? But look at the bulges under my eyes. In younger people, sometimes this means you have extra fat that is bulging forward, but a lot of time it’s due to nasal allergies. When you have allergies, the tissues swell inside your nose. The fluid that goes into those tissues has to eventually drain out through your veins. Well, the veins that drain your nose join the veins that drain your eye sockets. If you have a ton of extra fluid in your nose, it’s going to cause a traffic jam in the veins draining your eye sockets which will then cause bulging, puffy eyelids (especially if it goes on for a very long time).
If you have eyelid bags and a stuffy nose, come see me for strategies on controlling those allergies.
Solution #2: Fillers
If you have puffy eyelids and bulging lower eyelid fat, we can use fillers like Restylane® along your eye socket to help camouflage the bulges.
Two weeks after fillers
This woman knew that she had puffy eyelids. Rather than surgery, we elected for filler as described above. Two weeks later, she looks pretty good, huh? I’ve seen this improvement last for over a year.
Solution #3: Pellevé
Pellevé uses radiofrequency waves to heat the deeper layers of your skin and stimulate collagen formation in the puffy eyelids. It’s great for thin crepy skin on and around your eyelids. Here’s our own Master Aesthetician Gaylin Vandenbroucke’s before and after photos after doing Pellevé around her own eyes.
Pellevé doesn’t hurt and there’s no down time. Your eyelids may be a little red for a while after the treatment, but that’s it. For more on Pellevé and other non-invasive treatments, click here.
Solution #4: Blepharoplasty Surgery
If you have really puffy eyelids and you’re interested in a permanent solution, it’s time to talk about surgical solutions. Eyelid surgery works great on getting rid of eyelid bulges and extra skin.
This woman had known that her lids were an issue for years before she finally decided to do something about it. We removed extra skin and fat from her upper and lower eyelids under twilight anesthesia at a local surgery center. That afternoon, when we called to check on her, she complained about being bored more than anything else. The recovery is easy and there is almost no pain.
If you have puffy eyelids and you want to know what your options are, take a few seconds and fill out the contact form. I’d love to explore your options with you. There are plenty of options for every eyelid, budget, and schedule.
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